| 1. | This is the tool to have for room and pillar mining.
| 2. | Room and pillar layouts, similar to underground mine design, provide an economical construction arrangement.
| 3. | Another method, known as room and pillar, is used for thinner, flatter ore bodies.
| 4. | Mining was done by underground room and pillar methods.
| 5. | It was a room and pillar operation with an estimated recovery of about 35 %.
| 6. | Underground mining began, using a room and pillar approach.
| 7. | Longwall mining has been extensively used as the final stage in mining old room and pillar mines.
| 8. | The key to successful room and pillar mining is in the selection of the optimum pillar size.
| 9. | Nuttallburg was closely associated with the Nuttallburg underground mine, a room and pillar mine that was sealed in 1958.
| 10. | The Peerless Mine was an underground room and pillar operation that mined coal near the outcrop of the Wyodak seam.